About Our Festival
Exploring The History Books
In 1965 there were four Square Dance Clubs in the Medford Oregon area. They were The Twirlers, The Ramblin Rogues, The Southern Oregon Singles and The Star Promenaders. They wanted to bring all Square Dancers in the area closer together and to intertwine square dancing with the local community festivities bringing the fun and camaraderie we experience in square dancing to the community. Thus a committee was formed called "The Pear Blossom Square Dance Committee"and consisted of members from all four Clubs. The dance was to be held during the second full weekend in April, to correspond with the local Pear Blossom Festival and the time that all of the pear orchards are in bloom.
The first annual Square Dance was held in April 1966 and was a huge success. It has been going on ever since. As the years went by, clubs shifted and combined leaving only the Star Promenaders . The festival continued on with the help of the other Rogue Valley clubs and the Rogue Sis-Q Council.
Square Dance Clubs currently on the committee are the Star Promenaders, Charlie Brown Squares, and Circle N Squares. This committee is open to any and all Rogue Valley Square Dancers and Square Dance Clubs that want to help bring all Square Dancers closer together and to keep the fun in Square Dancing.
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