Pear Blossom Committee
The PBC (Pear Blossom Committee) is always planning and always trying to think of new fun things to do! If you would like to join the fun, our meetings are at Round Table in Medford on the 1st Tuesday of the month, we eat at 6pm meeting’s at 6:30pm.
Volunteers are always welcome! Please contact your club rep for info just in case the meeting place or time has changed in any way.
Contact or Call a PBC member or officer for info and such!
The 2020/2021 Pear Blossom Committee -
Chairperson - Lois Muck
Vice Chairperson - Lorri McIntosh
Secretary/Treasurer - Debbie Gent
Caller Advisor - Phil Ramey
Historian/Circle N Square Rep - Ron Hayes
Charlie Brown Squares Reps - Lorri McIntosh
Star Promenaders Reps - Grace & Harry Glavin
Our committee has many helpers from all the participating clubs and organizations who join us to make your festival fun and exciting.
Circle N Square